About Us
Scheduling Solutions from the Ground Up
OnTrack launched its successful venture as a project scheduling firm specializing in heavy infrastructure projects in 1989. Since then, we have grown to encompass a seasoned team of energy experts and project scheduling professionals. Our vast experience in the start-up and modification of commercial power plants, and the building and renovation of general construction projects, has combined to develop a solid array of robust, yet easy-to-use scheduling resources.
Kevin Elvrum, Principal
As OnTrack’s owner, Kevin sets the vision, identifies growth opportunities and manages the direction of OnTrack’s two offices. Starting from the ground up as a construction worker 30 years ago, he established his own project scheduling firm after managing large projects for Q&D Construction, Inc., Turner Construction Corp., and Kitchell CEM. His reputation for excellence and a solid track record have helped him grow OnTrack entirely from word-of-mouth business.
Dave Keddie, Senior Scheduler, Area Manager
Dave has been with OnTrack since the beginning, bringing 12 years of construction management experience to the company. He’s gained extensive experience in the AEC industry as a result of having worked on virtually every type of construction project over the last seven years. He also contributes great technical expertise to OnTrack to keep us on the cutting edge of new scheduling technologies.