Turnaround Maintenance Planning
OnTrack has proven to be a valuable catalyst in orchestrating high profile refinery turnarounds, including projects for Exxon, Tosco, and Conoco Phillips.
For example, OnTrack’s owner Kevin Elvrum, worked as a subcontractor on a $40 million Exxon and Chicago Bridge & Iron Project for a FCCU/CLE Turnaround. His primary task was to develop a schedule network and integrated cost and tracking system comprising 25,000+ activities over a 42-day construction period, updating the schedule and budget twice daily. This also required daily entry of timesheets every 12 hours for a workforce of more than 1,500 people/day within 2 hours of each shift change. With more than 30 subcontractors reporting daily to the master schedule, Kevin expertly managed this integrated effort to produce timely and cost-effective results.